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Submerged basilica lakeshore


About us

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1,700 years ago, one man changed the course of Christian history...

2025 marks the 1700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicaea, organized on the initiative of Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337) in the city of Nikaia/Nicaea (now Iznik), located on Lake Ascanius, then in Bithynia, on the western edge of Anatolia (today’s Türkiye). During this event, which was probably (the legends say so) attended by 318 bishops, crutial decisions were made, among them the basic principles of Christianity expressed in the text of the Creed, still valid with minor changes to this day.

We examine historical sources, stories, legends… We verify where (we’re looking for the imperial palace!) and if really (?!) there was the First Council …These are the three main goals of the project.

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